Shopware 6 Geo Location Currency Converter

Shopware 6 Geo Location Currency Converter: The module converts the price of the products in run-time on your store according to the geographical location where the store site is accessed, display the product price in multiple currencies according to the region. Geolocation Currency Converter will automatically detect the customer’s geolocation and display the converted price according to the country-specific currency.


Shopware Geo Location Currency Converter

Customer Login
Password: test1234
Admin Login
User Name: admin
Password: shopware


* Converts price at the category page.

* Converts price at Search page.

* Converts the price of your store’s product as per country location.

* Customer can see the price according to their location at product listing page.

* Admin can change the text & price text color.

* Very easy to manage.

Shopware Coupon List at Checkout Workflow



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